Our Solicitation Policy

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Our Solicitation Policy

Based on the Act on Sales of Financial Products, etc., the Company has established the following policy for solicitation of insurance products.

1.We will comply with the Insurance Business Act, the Act on the Sale of Financial Products, the Consumer Contract Act, and other various laws and regulations, and strive to sell insurance appropriately.When selling, we will strive to ensure that customers have a correct understanding of the contents of insurance products.
2.We will comprehensively consider the customer's knowledge of insurance products, enrollment experience, financial situation, etc., and strive to explain and provide insurance products in accordance with the customer's intentions and actual circumstances.
3.When soliciting insurance products, we will give due consideration to the time of day and place of solicitation from the customer's point of view.
4.We will handle customer information appropriately and strive to protect the rights and interests of customers.
5.In the event of an insured event, we will take appropriate action when filing an insurance claim.
6.We will strive to collect various opinions and requests from customers and reflect them in future insurance sales methods.
7.In order to prevent moral risks, we will recruit in accordance with each guideline when underwriting life insurance, accident insurance, etc.